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Bedford stands tall as a hub of culture and exhilarating celebration of life in the United Kingdom. And if you ask, a testament to this assertion is the Bedford River Festival that takes place every other year in this lovely town. David Binder has noted that festivals promote diversity, bring neighbors into dialogue, and offer opportunities for civic pride.

So, when Bedford Borough Council announced, to great acclaim, that the River Festival would return on the 23rd and 24th of July 2022, all in Bedford and beyond knew it was that time again for special delight. It was more exciting because there had been previous postponements due to COVID-19. But now…welcome back!

This year's edition of the Bedford River Festival was bigger and better than anticipated. You can be sure interesting activities such as live entertainment, performances and boat races made the event engaging for everyone who participated.

As always, the event was open to all and sundry. And even though it was free, sponsorship, hospitality and trade opportunities were open to interested parties. People trading and displaying their goods became a major highlight, as the event featured side attractions to keep your mouth moving and your eyes gazing.

Now, the other major activities that spiced up the days were the varied water activities. Things accelerated quickly to the ecstatic with live music shows and performances. In fact, there were eight music performance arenas. The raft and dragon boat races also offered the most thrilling events that defined the days. If you had never participated in Pirate Island, Sports Island and water sports arena events before, you would have loved how all these played out at the festival.

The local market presented a wide range of offerings for you to munch on or take home as memorabilia. Scintillating products, including arts and crafts, could be discovered in the streets and market stalls around the town.

One experience that stands out about the Bedford River Festival is that it is held across several hotspots in the town. The various locations used for this years’ experience included Russell Park, The Embankment and St Mary's Gardens. Usually, the river festival attempts to take over the town with the soiree of the whole event. Little wonder then, that the whole of Bedford High Street was closed for the entire weekend to facilitate an immersive celebratory experience.

If you missed this celebration, ensure you get in gear for the next one. Remember, festivals are fun for kids, fun for parents and offer a welcome break from the stresses and strains of life. We all deserve a reward, and the Bedford River Festival is a well-deserved one to cherish.

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