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  • Writer's picturesoniaripollmompo


Festivals have and continue to serve a unique purpose in our society, throughout the centuries and right up to today. They are fun for kids and often bring out that youthful-never-forgotten-glow in parents. The enormous number of people that attend these frivolities guarantee an unforgettable event; talk about plenty of adults to meet and loads of kids to play with. Ideal! Everyone looks forward to the rich displays of history, dancing, music, entertainment, and reconnection with their heritage. St. George's festival, held recently at Wrest Park (Silsoe, Bedfordshire MK45 4HR) most certainly lived up to the expectations.

St. George’s festival is an annual celebration and re-enactment of English history, spanning more than 2,000 years. It is held in honour of the country’s patron saint, St. George, and remains one of the longest-living celebratory events in England. The festival is just like travelling back in time. It provides experiences of centuries past, such as the food, dress, myths, legends, sports, activities, and ancient professions for the people's pleasure. Undoubtedly, it involves a lot of people, both living and dead, for history to be brought back to life.

Care to know the many standout activities that played out at the event? There were family favorites such as the falconry displays, life history encampments, the entertaining jousting Norman knights and gladiators’ fights to the death (not really), the cannon blasting in the artillery show at the arena and demonstrations of the undefeated Roman infantry.

There were also fun activities for the children to participate in the thrill of the day. There were many games, and the attires on show were intriguing, with mingling kings and queens interacting with all. The kids got to study and train as Knights of the Realm. They attended the sword school, engaged in realistic fights and took on archery and jousting practice. What better way to pass down our country's iconic legacies than to engage her children with her past?

Furthermore, we were treated to the presentations of old-time entertainers, especially the performances from the scheming Jester, the minstrels and the enchanting storytellers. Having the legend, the main man, St. George himself walking through the park was a major highlight and honour! After all, it is St. George's Day! You sure would be captivated to watch the re-enactment of the legendary fight between St George and the dragon, between good and evil, honour and betrayal. You would be thrilled.

Ultimately, this year’s St. George's Festival was everything we looked forward to and more. It wasn't merely the fun and excitement, which was special enough, it was also an occasion that re-lived and further reinforced our strong identity and proud heritage celebrated and recognized worldwide.

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