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  • Writer's picturesoniaripollmompo


As an approximation, natural reserves make up 0.7% of England’s majestic landscape. There are a staggering total of 564 Local Nature Reserves (LNRs), and 244 National Nature Reserves (NNRs). These reserves are designed to protect some of the most significant areas of natural habitat to celebrate and preserve our internationally renowned highlands and bylands. However, nature is not a merely a place for us to visit for our own enjoyment. No. It is home for animals and plants to thrive; home for us all to reconnect with life in its simplest, purest and jaw dropping form. One such reserve to experience Mother Nature’s lovingly deep embrace is the Knocking Hoe National Nature Reserve.

I visited Shillington, England, a while back. The trip was centered on re-connecting myself with nature and all the glories it has to offer... This gave me the opportunity to explore this highly celebrated and renowned reserve site. It is a chalk rich grassland based at the northern tip of the Chilterns. Knocking Hoe and other natural reserve sites support a large population of endangered species such as the moon carrot, spotted catsear, field fleawort, burnt tip orchid and pasque flower. Without such reserves, these extraordinary gifts from Mother would disappear forever.

Believe me; this biological site is absolutely breathtaking. The tales here told are by no means close to all that I myself witnessed here. I had mere glimpses of sights that you yourself should be on the lookout for during your visit. You will find dropwort, hounds-tongue, milkwort, salad burnet, rock rose and many more stunning offerings of flora and fauna. This impressive array of flowers is a fantastic sight that welcomes you in a beautiful embrace. You will also find wild mignonette sires, reseda lute, and weld emerging quietly yet seductively from the longer branches of the shrubs.

With the illustrious cacophony of flowers, you are sure to see a myriad of butterflies adorning nature’s artistic landscape. I was flattered to witness several magnificent farmland birds permeating my sight. You can gaze all around for other birds such as skylarks, partridge, whitethroat and yellowhammer.

Knocking Hoe is a hugely popular destination for walkers, families, and wildlife. Good to know, parking is only 500 meters away on the B655 near Pegsdon Village, between Hitchin and Barton le Clay. Hence, your adventures and explorations begin within minutes of leaving the confines of your car. Contributions to the preservation of the reserves are always welcome. Please.

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