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  • Writer's picturesoniaripollmompo


You will probably agree that an exciting get-together is a wonderful way to start the summer break. Well, that’s precisely why the Paella Rally was established. But this event is more than a rally. It’s a fun communal gathering that helps tutors, students, friends and family bond. It is a place where you calm your nerves after a long stretch of teaching and learning. The Paella Rally usually comes up once BLC (Bedford Language Centre) is finishing up the school year. And the goal is to unwind after a long academic session.

The rally is hosted annually by BLC and is guaranteed to entertain. This international hub offers a dynamic mode of learning the languages & cultures of people across communities. They train for business and pleasure, teaching Spanish, English, Italian, French, German, Portuguese, Chinese, Polish, Japanese, Russian and Greek. So, in a bid to engage their students and tutors in a unique means of learning more about Spanish culture, the Paella Rally was established.

Let’s talk about paella. Yes, let’s! Paella is a traditional rice dish that originated in Valencia, Italy. Today, however, it is predominantly regarded by most non-Spaniards as Spain's national dish. The primary ingredients include rice, saffron, vegetables, chicken, and seafood. All these are cooked and served in one pan. An interesting fact about this dish is that it has many different varieties. And the most common types of paella are chicken and seafood. There is also the mixed paella, a mouthwatering combination of vegetables, meat and seafood.

At this year’s Paella Rally, held on June 25th, the participants cooked this delicious Spanish delicacy, as always, in a relaxed and stimulating atmosphere. Those participating were grouped into teams, with each tasked with cooking a different paella from the others. The interesting part of the whole event was that most of the attendees had to learn how to cook this iconic dish during the rally itself. This added to the fun of the whole event. And right before everyone sampled the different paellas that had been made, the eating spree was preceded by sampling tapas. Delicious!

The Paella Rally takes place in Bedford. It is usually an outdoor fun celebration if the weather is conducive. It could also be an indoor get-together if the weather is wet or not suitable for an outdoor event, to avoid a soggy bottom (the food and you!). Brilliant day and fun filled to the last bowl!

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