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  • Writer's picturesoniaripollmompo


Life is full of peaks and troughs, mountain tops and valleys. You just have to find the beauty in both. You will certainly find this personal appeal when you look for it. After all, everything has beauty, only not everyone can actually see it. I am here to point you in the direction of one such delight in highs and lows that caught my eye. I present to you Pegsdon Hills and Hoo Bit.

Set within 79 hectares on the South of Barton Road (B655, Pegsdon, Bedfordshire, SG5 3GS, England). Pegsdon Hills and Hoo Bit is what I term a hidden gem. And the only way to truly discover the mystery of a hidden gem is by knowing its talent and spirit. Therefore, I will help you discover this because I know, first-hand, the hidden qualities and appeal of this natural reserve with its steep hills and tranquil valleys.

Allow me to convey to you and paint a picture of the breath-taking magnificent views of the countryside that sets theses hills and valleys apart. It gifts a comprehensive view across the often overlooked meandering pattern of mounds and dips. These hills stretch far into the hazy horizon through the Bedfordshire border to Hertfordshire. Many describe it as the best walk south of the Peak District, though please be sensible and, be sure to wear suitable walking shoes; some parts are quite steep and uneven.

On my visit early on in the year, my sight was blessed with the view of Manx Loaghtan Sheep grazing in the fields. Their exceptionally beautiful horns were a worthy sight to enjoy. You will see more than rams, ewes and frolicking baby lambs though. There are cows, goats, and an abundance of brilliantly bedazzled butterflies. The chalk grassland is also well rich in wildflowers, swaying gracefully in the late summer breeze. At Hoo Bit, I discovered to my delight the artist’s canvas of a flower-rich grazed meadow and the forest where you can also admire the stalks of branches at Tipi. before finding myself at the gushing gurgling spring beneath a canopy of lush mature trees.

A visit can easily fit into your schedule; after all, it is always open. Several people come for a picnic, so why not treat yourself to a glass of fizz amidst nature’s garden with family and friends. Not just that, you can bring along your mountain bikes and have a splendid ride reaching summits and hollows as you cycle. Dogs are also allowed, but because of grazing sheep, they must be kept on a lead. It is indeed a hidden gem of nature, where visitors plan to return again and again to admire and discover more hidden secrets.

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