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Escape the Confines of COVID for the Splendour of Someries Castle

Maybe you are an enthusiast of history? Perhaps you would love to visit an ancient site, where you will not only unwind and relax but also have a taste of the delights that historical England has to offer? If so, this article is just for you. It walks and talks you through the unique features that mark Someries Castle as an ancient monument. After all, as Wallace Stegner once stated, “No place is a place until things that have happened in it are remembered in history, ballads, yarns, legends or monuments.”

Someries Castle is a place you can go to whenever you wish to connect with the rich heritage that inspires England’s building prowess. With mighty brick structures dating back to the 15th century, you may refer to it as an old-fashioned castle, though it wasn’t initially constructed for this purpose you know. Instead, it was a fortified manor house – a residence for none other than William de Someries, with foundations, walls and plinths said to have stood on or near this site from as early as the 13th century. As you can see, the site was named after the man himself.

It has several antique buildings to create a fun-filled experience for all. There is even a brick-built newel stair and noticeable structures such as the gatehouse and the chapel. Though these structures are roofless, it will amaze you to learn that their walls still stand almost full height after five centuries. A real case of passing the test of time. Sadly, the garden area is on private land, but you can still get a cheeky glimpse of its splendour from the fence enclosing the chapel and the gatehouse.

A journey to the Someries Cottage that houses this castle is quite an adventure. What makes it memorable is the road and the tough terrain. So, you have to go slowly and mind the potholes, but your effort will be rewarded. Fortune favours the bold, the brave and the strong. There is minimal space for parking, but enough space for daily visitors. Parking at the farm is free, but you have to leave space for agricultural vehicles as it is a working farm. The animals need their food!

As ideas shape the course of history, so you should connect with history for ideas. Whether it is just for a 40 minute walk or to relax for the day, a trip to Someries Castle is worth its weight in gold.

Someries Castle is located adjacent to Luton Airport, in the Parish of Hyde, Luton LU2 9PL, Bedfordshire, England. A fascinating peek into the past.

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