What has set the whole of Luton rumbling and a-tumbling just before Easter rolls in? Yes, you got it right! The city has been bubbling over with the St Patrick’s Festival celebrations. And this year, everyone is heralding the silver jubilee of this epic occasion. The event blanketed 10 days of Celtic culture with indoor and outdoor activities. Several programs were curated to celebrate the Patron Saint and Irish culture. In fact, not only did Luton go all out for the celebration, but also all the UK and almost every country nestled in every corner of the world.
The community-wide event kicked off fully on Friday 8th March when everyone gathered for the island of Ireland pub quiz. The Big St Patrick's Pub Quiz was an exciting scene, coloured with the greenery of intriguing questions and raffles. Of course, you can be sure, several people went home with great prizes from the event held at the Black Swan Pub. There was something else on the first Saturday of the festival. Citizens and tourists gathered for the craft stall. The free program was set up for people to make crafts, like headdresses, for the St Patrick's Day parade.
On Thursday, 14th March, the populace converged at the Cardinal Newman High School for the St Patrick's show. The show was lit up by the talents of the CNS & St Joseph's Primary School pupils. They put on shows that cut across dancing, singing and acting. The live show was even more sparkling with refreshments aplenty.
The following day, St Patrick was remembered for his international contributions. On the morning of Friday 15th of March representatives from Nigeria and Zimbabwe took the stage during the Sean O’Riada Mass procession. They were joined by Mac Monaghan at the event, which took place in Our Lady Help of Christians RC Church. The Luton Irish Forum and some traditional lilting Irish music garnished the ceremony with their presentations. The celebration continued till afternoon at the Celtic Club, Chobham Street.
The festival had more for the participants on the fifth day with St Colmans. The St Patrick’s Hurling Workshop was a taster session with unmatched memories. In rolled the final day of the festival! The grand finale took place on Sunday 17th of March. It kicked off with a parade from the Luton Irish Forum car park to St George's Square. From morning till very, very late at night, there were action-packed indoor and outdoor activities. Some of the activities included Cellofella, Biblecode, vocals, traditional dancing and an after-party (for those with stamina!).
The six-day event is one for the history books. With key highlights such as Jim Carway, Farmer Dan’s Band, Michael McGoldrick, John McCusker & John Doyle, it will be an exceedingly long time for any participant to forget the experience. And for many, an experience they will never remember as the black beer flowed. The presence of a photo booth even means everyone can go home with memorabilia and rest assured, it was for sure a good craic!
