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Well, let us ponder on this for a while… parks in the UK generally serve as home to a plethora of wildlife, fauna, hills, water bodies and a variety of natural habitats that nature has to offer. But some present more tempting treats to enjoy, each park gifts unique features for us all to savour. Take Stanborough Park for instance, spreading across some 126 acres of land, it is renowned for water sports and activities to delight its visitors. Hence, with no surprise at all, the park has been tagged the Home of Watersports. If you’re into swimming or other maritime ventures, you might want to visit this beautiful countryside park with your loved ones.

Another name given to Stanborough Park is Stanborough Lakes. It has two special bodies of water to explore — the North (Boating) and South (Sailing) Lakes. These are man-made and will truly be the highlight of your sojourn.

Suppose you are an adventurer, a lover of intrepid, stimulating water challenges. You are? Then read on dear reader. Let’s start with the South (Sailing) Lake, a 16-acre multi-use waterbody. This is where the fun begins with earnest. A visit to this lake allows you to enjoy a wide range of water sport activities available for both children and adults. You’ve got the open water swimming which requires the right gear (check the forecast) since you obviously want to avoid those annoying chilly bits that just fail to warm up all day after a dip. If swimming is not to your taste, you can also go sailing on sailboats and windsurfers, perfecting your sailing prowess to your hearts content.

That’s not all. Not on your nelly! How about canoeing or kayaking? Let’s talk of paddle boarding why don’t we? Exciting! Whether as sport or pastime, you and your loved ones get to lie, kneel, stand (or probably fall) on (or off) a paddleboard, propelling yourselves through the water with a paddle or your hands. Fishing is also allowed here, for the able angler. It is no surprise that thousands of visitors are drawn to Stanborough Park year-round.

If you are less adventurous, but still wanting to catch the fun bug in the water, don’t you dare forget about the equally fabulous North (Boating) Lake. This is an 11.3-acre lake that offers amazing boating activities. You get to travel by boat for leisure, pleasure or recreational purposes. Man-powered vessels such as rowing boats, pedalos or pedal boats are available for hire at surprisingly affordable prices for this day and age. And do not fear; this lake is only about 3 feet deep, so it is generally safer and more sedate compared to the nutters splashing and cajoling on the South side. Leave them to it and relax.

You may have realized by now that Stanborough Park affords friends and families ample opportunity to unwind and have fun with wonderful, wild water activities. If swimming, or just the chance to enjoy open water brings some peace, relaxation, satisfaction or excitement to your life, then Stanborough Park is the place to be for all ages and tastes. You so deserve it. Bon voyage!

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Jaider OC
Jaider OC
Sep 09, 2021

Its beutiful

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