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  • Writer's picturesoniaripollmompo


Speak of a tower that is seventy-four feet tall and built as far back as 1818, and let the Carfax Tower come to mind. Situated in central Oxford, this magnificent edifice allows you to enjoy a bird’s eye view of the Oxford skyline, including the magnificent Christ Church Cathedral of Harry Potter fame.. And you should know that the Carfax Tower is a relic of St Martin's church. That rings a bell, right? Of course, St. Martin's used to be the official church of Oxford. In fact, Queen Elizabeth I, in the company of her royal entourage, visited the church numerous times in the past.

The main section of St. Martin’s church was demolished with a view to improving traffic flow in 1896. However, the ninety-nine stairs taking you to the top of the Carfax Tower now plays a significant role in appreciating the beauty and essence of English architecture. The building derives its name from the Latin and French words “quadrifurcus” and “carrefour” respectively. And both words mean "crossroads ."So, it is not surprising that the Carfax Tower stands strategically at the junction of St Aldate’s, Queen Street, Corn Market Street and High Street.

If you are observant, you will notice that there are church bells inside the Carfax Tower. Likewise, the exterior plays host to a church clock adorned with figures that are chimed by two "quarter boys" who hit the bells at every quarter of the hour. As you clamber halfway up, there’s an information room with a short video about the tower. And since the structure dwells in Oxford, the information room also relays the historical background of the city of eternal dreams.

To preserve the essence and sanctity of the building, the Carfax Tower is now owned and managed by Oxford City Council. If you’d love to get a decent view of Oxford’s landscape and the neighboring countryside, you should get a ticket for just £3. And that is a low price to pay for such a memorable experience! In addition, you can opt for a more fun-filled Carfax Tower experience by opting for the gold tour package, which costs £25.

A visit to the Carfax Tower takes just 15-20 minutes. If you are curious to know why no other structure can be constructed higher than this masterpiece, then you shouldn't hesitate to get your entry ticket today! A true historical lesson never to be forgotten.

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