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  • Writer's picturesoniaripollmompo


In celebration of the Queen’s platinum jubilee, the Windsor Beacon heralded one of the greatest firework displays in history. This was one of the 2,022 beacons lit in the UK as well as throughout the fifty-four capitals of the commonwealth. However, the Principal Beacon took place at Buckingham Palace. And here is how it looked – the Queen’s Green Canopy ‘Tree of Trees’ sculpture was ablaze with multi coloured light, and beautiful, incredibly celebrational projections were seen emblazoned on the very front of the Buckingham Palace itself. This is no surprise, though. This innovation exemplifies the royal family’s rich history of championing a green world.

The Windsor beacon is no less beautiful in its impact and experience. It stands as an emblem of gratitude and appreciation of the Queen's longevity, dedication and full service to the Kingdom. At Windsor, the beacon experience was accompanied by a Long Walk to the Cambridge Gate, where the beacon was lit. Here is a quick note to self – there’s an obvious advantage if you get to the main area as early as possible, so you can catch the magical moment in all its magisterial glory.

To further heighten this magical experience, the lighting of the beacon was followed by a firework display, casting star spangled glory over Windsor Castle. The beacon was lit by the Mayor of the Royal Borough, Cllr Christine Bateson, and the Constable and Governor of Windsor Castle, Admiral Sir James Perowne. And this set the ball rolling for a most enchanting night. The Windsor beacon lighting was an entirely outdoor event. So, it was easy for all and sundry to have a fully immersive experience that night. From the Long Walk to the Royal Fireworks, no aspect of the celebratory show was hidden from all who came to join in this momentous occasion with the Queen.

Being an outdoor event, some challenges arose, particularly for participants in the Long Walk. For instance, the lawn, despite being recently mown, still gave some level of inconvenience for those with wheelchairs. And if you were a car owner participating in the Windsor beacon lighting and fireworks, you’d probably have to park in one of the several car parks in Windsor. This was because access to the Long Walk was entirely on foot. On the bright side, the long walk makes it easy for the participants to become immersed in nature during the meandering walk to your destination

A truly remarkable thank you to her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth II. Congratulations Ma’am.

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