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  • Writer's picturesoniaripollmompo


Christmas time is always buzzing in our hearts and heads! As is said, it is the “Most wonderful time of the year” (sing along now…), especially in London. Tourists reveal that London is one of the most popular places to visit during the Christmas revelries. The streets are usually dazzling with aesthetic illuminations, decors and beacons from Oxford Street to Covent Garden. Also, London usually features festivals, concerts and shows. Christmas is always a time to look forward to; a time to shrug off the year’s cobwebs and start anew.

However, since the beginning of the year, nations worldwide have been perplexed with the widespread coronavirus disaster. This pandemic has necessitated government imposition of partial and full lockdown at different locations throughout London. So, one can easily read the script; there will be a cruel twist in the celebration of Christmas and New Year on the streets of London as we welcome in 2021.

Notably, the newly imposed lockdown restricts physical gatherings – a unique highlight of the London Christmas season. Key locations such as Trafalgar Square and Soho now seem like ghost towns. Sadly, there will be a surge in virtual gatherings, zoom meetings and calls to celebrate Christmas this year!

However, there is one thing the pandemic cannot deprive us of. The yearly tradition of lighting up the streets of London remains sacrosanct during this Christmas season. London has prevailed and honoured the traditional kaleidoscopic celebration of colour. Oxford Street’s Christmas lights were launched on the 2nd November, three weeks earlier than usual. It features 222.000 lights, bathing this iconic attraction with heavenly glory. Covent Garden lights have also been ignited, with 115,000 lights, casting a myriad of rainbows within the main marketplace. Major streets in London have been lit up. In the coming days, many more will follow. The pandemic will be defeated. We will prevail.

Well, unlike previous switching-on days, there are very few people to witness such a breathtaking event. But one vital message to you all is that the lights communicate words of hope to all in these hard times, celebrating citizens who have worked hard during the peak of the Coronavirus spread and everyone who has experienced loneliness, isolation and heartache.

The experience of Christmas is with us, be it in different times. Visitors and residents are buying foods, gifts and groceries in anticipation of the celebration. Christmas will be unique this year. However, you can be sure it is going to be an amazing one! We just have to keep the candle of hope alive. After all, in Edna Ferber’s words, “Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling.” Stay safe!

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